Saturday, September 4, 2004

TRUTH OR MYTH? (Hear it from Li'l Dove herself!)
Last week, I had the chance to meditate due to the fact that I was almost always alone in the office for three days (Bliss!). Considering that generally, my days just flow by nicely and uneventful, and since it is often unpleasant when they are eventful, I think it's time for Truth or Myth Part 2. Here are comments often/sometimes/once made about me, and my say on each matter. So, FACT or FICTION?

1. "You're so obsessed!" I was told this some months ago, in light of my so-called obsession with CATS The Musical, the kitten Jemima, Veerle Casteleyn, Lea Salonga, and musicals in general...FICTION. I call it passion. Unfortunately, sometimes passion is mistaken for obsession. It's a classic case of mislabeling. People, intentionally or unintentionally, create words and/or meanings for things they can't understand.

2. "You're very intelligent." Fact or Fiction? More of RUMOR or EXAGGERATION. Are they kidding??? My theory is people somehow find out where I graduated from and simply assume I am intelligent. Ah! The perks of mislabeling! My reputation precedes me. The down-side here is people sometimes tend to expect more than what I can actually deliver. Most have not seen me fall flat on my face yet so it's safe to assume I've still got them fooled at the moment.

3. "You're always so happy." HALF-FACT, HALF-FICTION. The people who tell me this think I have a sunny disposition. Obviously, they don't know that "sunny" may also mean "fiery". They have not encountered me long enough.

4. "Mmm...You always smell so good!" Synonymous to "It's always nice to walk behind this girl..." Of course, they say that when I'm wearin' perfume (good thing I don't smell like anything else when I'm not wearin' any!). FACT. What can I say? I've got this good taste when it comes to perfume. No, I don't usually buy perfume, and no, they're always not expensive. BUT they are always good to the olfactory nerves!

5. "You always want the details!" Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who's looking), it's a FACT. No use denying the obvious, especially when people throw their hands in the air and say they give up!

6. "You're an idealist/perfectionist." FACT and FICTION. While I am an idealist and/or perfectionist, it does not mean I'm not in touch with reality. I just think that almost always, there's a way to get around things and achieve what is right. Why are we so afraid to do the right things? Not to say that I haven't been chicken to do them myself sometimes. I would be lying. So I guess that's where the "fiction" part starts. Anyway, I always keep this in mind. Since time immemorial, it has been said (and to quote something I overheard): "Pobody's nerfect!"

If you want to know more, here is Truth or Myth Part 1:

1. "You write like Jessica Zafra." To the uninitiated, she is a well-known writer-columnist and by her own admission, twisted (thus the title of her column and series of books). FICTION. I don't. I WISH. She is a good writer whereas I am a writer who is still aspiring to be a good one. I think the one who made the comment only based her conclusion after reading only one of my pieces. It's flattering, though, so hey, I'll let her think that for a while ;p

"You've been surfing the Net a lot lately that you don't have time to write your book anymore." HALF-FACT, HALF-FICTION. I always don't have time to write my planned but long-overdue book. But since I started surfing again, I have been writing more lately, just other stuff.

3. "Nut job." FACT. Yes, Steve The Troll, I am. Thought you could use some company.

"Have you lost/gained weight?" FACT/FICTION. I have been losing weight but not as frequently as everytime someone asks me about it or I would be reed-thin by now. Gained weight? Nope. I would be if I had more money to spend LOL!!!

5. "You need an attitude -adjustment!" said my alter-ego.

WHAT THE - ??? Oh, yeah? Well, so do you!!!

So there. Thanks for visiting me today. :)

~Li'l Dovey~


UPDATE (July 4, 2016): This post was originally posted in the now-useless Multiply. I copied my blog's contents from there and archived them here and they remained private until now that I have decided to re-publish them. So, my point here actually is...I don't know where the original Truth or Myth Part 1 is and why it is added here, ha ha haaaa!!!! But anyway, reading this certainly brought back some memories. Some of these items are still, still aren't, and aren't anymore true of me ;)

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