Monday, December 6, 2004

A word from Shakespeare
"To bait fish withal It will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies. And what's his reason? 

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? 

If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? 

If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

- Shylock, from "The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare.

No, I am not a Jew, and this is not really about being a Jew, or being a Christian or Muslim or any other religion. This is about equality. Go pass the actual words and read between the lines. You will see the message quite clearly - We are all humans.

But being humans, we tend to forget and we seek and destroy each other and the world. Sometimes, I think the world is better off without us.

Stop this world, I wanna get off.


  1. well quoted my fren.. tis true that we are all equal.. but yet.. there are those whose belief puts them higher than others around them.. tis just e human nature.. ....

    stay on.. ride the world to the end.. see it all and grow with what u see.. let not what u see.. make your world bleak.. in fact.. climb over it all.. and shine thru.. let's stay on the ride together my fren.. *smiles*

  2. What else is there to do but to "ride" the world? I am a pretty optimistic person, despite my many complaints. Sometimes, I'm amazed to find out that I am. But sometimes, I just can't help the feeling that the world really sucks, big time. I love it, but it sucks.

  3. A nuke big enough to end it all...I thought, and from time to time still think, this would solve it all (poor animals though...maybe they can be spared?).
    But we all know that the end to "something", creates a new "something".
    I think everything would have to be destroyed all together...a state of tears, no laughter, no sound, nothing too sweet...nothing to fear, nothing to room for judgment.

    But what would a new "something" bring? Would things happen the same all over again? I dunno?

    I see all of life like a math equation...everything will happen to happen because it is, it self, self sustaining. Math can not be lied to, or bargained can not be limited, or paused...even if you take everything away, is not 0 still in math?!

    I look at: 2 + 2, and know it will give me if only man could see it all at once, and also comprehend, the equation that functions existence!

    And perhaps that is for "God's" eyes, and God's eyes only? dunno?
    And for a God to truly be a God, not only would see the whole picture, but have the palette and brush to redesign as desired; 2 + 2 * ? = ?

  4. Ah, you're such a philosopher, Goshin. Not a bad thing, really. The world needs more philosophers because sometimes, they understand the world more. Philosophers do not really see the world as round, figuratively speaking, because they see the world in different angles.

    "A nuke big enough to end it all...I thought, and from time to time still think, this would solve it all (poor animals though...maybe they can be spared?)."

    I doubt it. Not unless before man blows up the world into smithereens, Science has found a way to transfer living things somewhere else, make it possible for them to live there. But then, if that would be possible already, then there wouldn't be any reason to blow up Earth anymore. People will just have to choose their planet, a place where they can live in harmony with others again...That is, until the cycle happens again and their planets end up blown away, too. The whole univers could be in trouble.

    "But we all know that the end to 'something', creates a new 'something'.
    I think everything would have to be destroyed all together...a state of tears, no laughter, no sound, nothing too sweet...nothing to fear, nothing to room for judgment."

    Ah, but 'nothing' is also a 'something'. I have often wondered, for 'nothing' to be there, just being "there" is a state of 'something'. Kind of like asking how do you know there is darkness? If it is the absence of light, doesn't having light means the absence of darkness? Don't we say 'absence' because 'something' isn't there?...Really, as much as we try to think of the answers, some things just cannot be fathomed...

    "I see all of life like a math equation...everything will happen to happen because it is, it self, self sustaining. Math can not be lied to, or bargained can not be limited, or paused...even if you take everything away, is not 0 still in math?!"

    Zero was also just a number created by man...Just saying.

  5. "Ah, but 'nothing' is also a 'something'. I have often wondered, for 'nothing' to be there, just being "there" is a state of 'something'. Kind of like asking how do you know there is darkness? If it is the absence of light, doesn't having light means the absence of darkness? Don't we say 'absence' because 'something' isn't there?...Really, as much as we try to think of the answers, some things just cannot be fathomed..."

    I think it is discussions like these, and though I love them, that make man realize how much is unknown...I just had a funny thought (What if, we don't know that we know everything, and us searching for answers brings us further from the truth that is already inside of us?). As years pass by, we can see many advancements of man; from postal mail to email, cafes to chat rooms, looking at the sky, to flying in it...but are we, as humans, really advancing? Perhaps to our destruction, but none the less, not much can be pronounced in mans ability to get along with each other...and maybe that's what we are meant for? dunno? Maybe it's only a matter ot time?

    You said,
    "Zero was also just a number created by man...Just saying."

    This...the fact of "creating", it puts the inventor I believe, in a place of "power".
    And a creation is not necessarily to that which is tangable...people can create paths for their lives...create their perfect bedroom setup, they can create the cup of coffee just as they like it; half and half, two sugars, and a hint of cinnamon.

    Humans beings I believe, and maybe all creatures, have the ability, and possibly the right, to define what and as they will. This is what I mean by "power".

    Harmony is that which has no disagreements, everything in it serves to compliment. Are we possible of that? Perhaps people are willing to accept the terms of a world in chaos in order to have their individuality.

    Today, there are men who play God with this world...they play it (or try) to the rhythm of their heart. Should we try to interfere, try to unclothe her/him of their power? Wouldn't we be acting as Gods ourselves, trying to override the effects of someones beliefs with our own...a world of "Gods" we live in I tell you.

    So many times have I abandoned a philosophy, and adapted a new is always changing, transforming. It could come from discontentment with the current answers, I could have been challenged, and sought solidification of a belief, which then lead me to another place...maybe I end up abandoning that philosophy all together. But I believe this is the process to testing everything...or at least testing what we can...and the results may be "incorrect", but what may really matter, is a result...having some state, some frame of thought in which a person manages themself. We may never find the truth to everything...this maybe why peolple just try to enjoy life while they have might be what makes the most sense?!

  6. "I think it is discussions like these, and though I love them, that make man realize how much is unknown...I just had a funny thought (What if, we don't know that we know everything, and us searching for answers brings us further from the truth that is already inside of us?)"

    Well, I haven't really thought of it in that sense, that we might know everything. I do say that many times, we know the answers to our problems, only we are afraid to fail that we look for confirmation from others. But taking in the context of your idea, I think the answerto that falls under the "unknown".

    "Harmony is that which has no disagreements, everything in it serves to compliment. Are we possible of that?"

    Yes. It's just that the world hasn't tried hard enough to achieve it. It's the "individuality" that spells out the problem. Hey, I'm all for inviduality, can't say I'm not. I just think that people are often close-minded to accept new ideas and are afraid of changes, therefore, the concept of "individuality" gets distorted.

    "So many times have I abandoned a philosophy, and adapted a new is always changing, transforming."

    The better. Apathy and close-mindedness are probably two of the most prevalent sins in today's world. Change is constant. Analyze it, see if it fits, then accept if it does fit.
