Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Before I go home...

I slept the whole morning today because I woke up not feeling good. My throat is all parched up for some reason. Then I bathed and then arranged the stuff I brought from our office (I resigned, remember?). Goodness. Can't believe I had all of those! Going home later.

Meanwhile, am here, going through e-mails. After, will go to mall to go to FedEx and send a gift to godson. Then I eat (haven't yet eaten breakfast nor lunch and I can feel the hunger now) and then head home carrying the loot (gifts, he he) I received. Haven't opened them.


  1. as i read this post.. the PA system here.. burst out with a song..

    Joy To The World

    how appropriate..

    fill thy stomach and be glad my friend.. *smiles*

    and i sincerely thank thee.. as with many others i now call friends.. for being in my life.. u people are God's gift for me this X'mas.. that i know..

  2. too bad cant get to eat tang yuan.......kekeke

  3. Ooo... drink abit much perhaps. hmmm..drink more water!! =P Do take care Little Dove & a Merry Christmas to you!

  4. All your comments, greetings, and suggestions taken in...Thank you all!!!! :)
