Saturday, October 16, 2004


I...absolutely have no idea where the original post went. It was some result for one of those tests you took just for fun, unless you're to gullible to believe everything. Keeping this here, though, because of the comments thread :)


  1. maybe because you are a "goody- two- shoes"...hey, come on, im sure that result was a total lie...maybe it wasnt supposed to be for you...joke joke joke...LOL..peace buddy...

    anyway, i think it is trying to tell you that no matter how people see you, you're still the one who know yourself best...

    makes any sense?...ahhhhh.never mind..

    peace gracie!!!!

  2. "no matter how people see you, you're still the one who know yourself best..." Uh, very comforting...? LOL!!! But really, sometimes, I wonder if that really is true. Lots of things we do not know about ourselves that other people do. And vice-versa.

    Oh, well, that makes us two goody-two-shoes, HAR, HAR, HAR!!!!

  3. oh man....!

    thank God mine is FREE instead of LOVING....

    i never would want to be called a goody-two-shoes!

  4. make it sassy, not too stuffy-sounding, aiight? :)

  5. Okay...Hello, Sassy Girl!...He he he...

  6. Sassy Girl....hmmm.....if i were anywhere as spunky and gutsy as the girl in that film, then heck, let me at that title! lolz

  7. It's official now then. Jeffer, from now own, is Multiply's "SASSY GIRL"!!!

  8. OMG! For three or four consecutive nights, the computer rentals shop where I always go played the movie The Sassy Girl!!! And then today, I read someone's article that says it's her fave movie. NOW I'm curious. I wanna see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. man! see it, see it! SEE IT!

    I absolutely order you too!

    (quoting a recurrent line from the title character: "you wanna die or something? lolz)
