Tuesday, August 9, 2005


I could've been writing for TV now if I was chosen. But I was not. I got to the second interview for the writer position but I guess they accepted one who has more experience. The writer is supposed to write for the newest reality TV show which is the Filipino version of a famous show. Actually, they were looking for two. One for the show, and one  to write other things for them. That's just fine, I guess, because I really don't want a job which is on a per-project basis.


The nice thing is, I just got a text message yesterday from the publishing company that interviewed me two weeks ago. I'm going to my second interview next week, yahoo! There were, at first, six of us who were short-listed. Then I was informed I was second choice, which was a subtle way of saying "Don't hope too much". So I abandoned my hopes for that. But then they texted me! 

Whatever happened to the first choice, I don't care. I'm just happy I might get the chance. This job, I actually really want. I lack the experience, though, which according to the Editor-in-Chief was her only edge. We even came from the same school, for goodness sake! Anyway, I'm trying to be positive about this but I won't hope too much.

Life sure is crazy, isn't it?

Basically, life is one heck of a crazy ride. At least, that's what I can conclude, judging from the events that have been happening to me and around me recently. Sheesh. It's crash and burn, baby...

* The government is one big loony bin. If you ask me, "they" are more than likely all cheats. Just her bad luck "she" got caught. Worse, the people are joining the crazy ride. Most just talk the talk but cannot provide any reasonable solutions. Just that they want to put more wrong people in the government. IDIOTS.

* It does not help that there are also crazy foreign ambassadors and leaders who make us seem like the worst country ever, like calling us the "Next Afghanistan". Helloooo??? Talk about exaggerations! Sure, ours isn't perfect, but why don't they look at their own backyards first? We just happened to be "Third World" but it doesn't mean theirs are any better. And if my country was that bad, I wouldn't be here still taking time to go online for my own pleasure, submit my works, and talk about my own puny poblems...

Just saying that before you make any irresponsible announcements and conclusions, make sure you meet the people first and actually go around and travel to check out the place. BIGGER IDIOT.

* On a more personal level, this issue with my recent employer is driving me nuts! They still have no plans of paying anyone and that means I can't even get my original high school diploma which they required us to submit as a requirement. The Operations Manager-cum-B**ch hasn't shown her face since the Monday after the Great Walk-out. The others are going to file a complaint, if ever, and I've decided to shelve my own to join theirs should it proves to be feasible.

* I have judgmental bigots for roommates. Basically, they're nice enough people, but obviously shallow and narrow-minded. I had been "accused" of two things and I didn't even know until much later. First, Rosalie thought I was a lesbian but changed her mind after she got to know me better. That doesn't change the fact, though, that she only jumped into the conclusion due to one occasion and based her theories on gross misconceptions and stereo-typing. 

Second, Luz told them I was crazy, literally, when I was practically new there. They changed their opinions after getting to know me, yes, but not before getting scared and jumping into conclusions which were, again, based on gross misconceptions and stereo-typing. Not to mention, fear of the unknown. One of these days, I'll explain to you exactly what happened. What's important is I proved them wrong and they must feel really foolish now. 

Well, anyway, wish me luck, guys!!!!


  1. Am still recovering from my massive hangover as I type this....so I reckon I'll keep this really short and sweet:

    Good luck!

  2. from someone who has the misfortune to be sharing the same sorry excuse of a bureaucracy as you do, good luck to us all pinoys. lolz.

  3. Fight for it. Best luck to you! =)

  4. Thanks for all the "luck wishes". I need them, badly. And I wish them back to you :)
